The staff of Whitehead Nursery Unit aim to provide, in partnership with parents, a safe, secure and stimulating environment. The children’s physical, social and emotional needs will be met through play-based activities. Opportunities to stimulate interest and imagination will be provided and a positive attitude to learning will be fostered.
Overall Aims
Staff will:
- Provide a safe and stimulating environment in which children feel happy and secure.
- Ensure the safety and well-being of children at all times.
- Encourage positive attitudes towards themselves and others, fostering independence, self esteem and confidence.
- Engage children in a range of appropriately planned activities to promote their emotional, social, creative and intellectual development.
- Provide support and challenge for children, extending, developing and consolidating their learning.
- Ensure regular opportunities for celebration of achievement.
- Encourage parents’ active participation in their children’s learning.
Children will:
- Gain self-confidence, self esteem and be willing to take risks.
- Take increasing ownership of their learning, viewing it as a stimulating enjoyable experience.
- Achieve their full potential regarding all aspects of development.
- Develop problem solving and reasoning abilities and make connection to their learning.
- Be able to communicate thoughts, ideas and feelings in a variety of ways.
- Embrace diversity through increasing awareness of similarities and differences between themselves and others.
- Explore, appreciate and respect the natural environment.
- Establish and maintain good health and hygiene habits.